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We specialise in offering a comprehensive package of services helping you with your carer responsibilities and advice.

Where someone is incapable of making decisions for themselves because, for example, they are suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia and they do not have an Enduring or Lasting Power of Attorney in place the only way you will be able to help them is by being appointed Deputy by the Court of Protection.

Where someone is incapable of making decisions for themselves because, for example, they are suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia and they do not have an Enduring or Lasting Power of Attorney in place the only way you will be able to help them is by being appointed Deputy by the Court of Protection.

Health and Welfare Decision Making:

If a person can no longer make decisions about their health and welfare it is rare for the Courts intervention to be needed. This is because families will know what their loved ones wishes are and will follow these. If, however, there is a disagreement within the family or a dispute with a third party (such as the NHS or Local Authority) you may still need to ask the Court of Protection for their help.

The Court are unlikely to appoint someone as a Health and Welfare Deputy. They prefer to make judgements on a decision by decision basis. It is important that you take proper advice at the earliest possible time should a disagreement or dispute arise or you have any concerns about what you can and should be doing.

There may be occasions where you are unclear on how to make a decision or what decisions you can make. In these circumstances you will need to navigate the rules set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in particular those relating to the best interests of a person. We have experience in advising and assisting with these types of questions and would be happy to help with these and any other assistance you may require, including:

  • Settling any disputes you have with family members or third parties

  • Advising on any decisions that you are planning on taking

  • Assisting with any applications you need to make to the Court of Protection

Image by Matteo Vistocco
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